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Beauitiful hike to Dungtsho (Conch lake) via phajoding, Thimphu

 Dungtsho trek is getting popular among Bhutanese. Even if not, it is true that the trek to lake is getting popular among the people who live in Thimphu. The trip is favorable for honeymoon among young couples, pilgrimage among elderly and week-end energy for office workers. It is two days journey from Thimphu- Motithang base camp. 

Many travelers prefer to halt a night at Thuji Drak ( holy camp among young monks) and I recommend it unless you have strong legs to withstand speed of horse. On the next day, it is advisable to start the journey to the lake as early as 5 o’clock to enjoy the beautiful view of early sun on green summer mountains.

What else you need to know?

If you are planning a trip to Dungtsho, you might consider talking to someone who has been there recently to get updates of the journey. In case you could not find  and worried, please consider following essentials while you are planning trip.

  1. A pair of good and strong shoe to keep yourself moving throughout the height.
  2. Good amount of ration unless you can sustain with snacks
  3. Rain coat or umbrella is necessary unless you like the cold mountain rains.
  4. Other essential items required during the time of any visit to holly place ( Gho, incense stick  and etc…)   
  5.     Thick clothes  and sleeping bag to keep yourself warm from cold wind.

How did we plan?

After failing the plan on the first week, we made it on second time. It was whether forecast and unrealistic objection from ourselves which failed the plan on first trial. All of us had difficult time to choose the day to hike when we were thinking of night on the top of mountain as high as 4000 meters from sea level. We were afraid of altitude sickness and the cold mountain rain.

WELL WEll Well. I assure that it is worth taking the risk of pain and sickness.   It is really beautiful journey and feels the worth and satisfaction of climbing to the height once we step to the place marked by dwarf Rhododendrons and shrubs. Beautiful and picturesque scenes have never allowed us to see the bumpy and rough terrains along the way.

 Guest room is limited at Thuji Dra and therefore it is important for you to prepare for cold windy night unless you love the cold night air.






  1. It was a very memorable one๐Ÿฅณ
    Couldn't have made it without y'all๐Ÿฅน
    Thank you guys

  2. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ

  3. It was a game if you Want to enjoy the trip.


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